Fontos: Valódi neve Frank Edwin Wright III. 1972 December9.-én születtett Willits Californi-ában.Egy Hippi családban nevelkedett és nem járt iskolába!a szülei "próbálták tanítani" de csak próbálták:)1992-ben csatlakozott a Green day-hez.Tud dobolni gitározni harmónián játszani hegedülni és ennyi.2 váláson van túl.Az American idiot lemezkészítése eljén házasodott össze majd mikor befelyezték a lemezt el is váltak! (claudiától)
Család: felesége:Claudia(esküvő:2000.máj.) tőle van Frankito valamint egy lánya,Ramona(1995)első feleségétől Lisean Lyons-tól
egyéb álltalam fordított!(nem biztos hogy pontos):Tré a Kaliforniai Willits-ben nőtt fel apjával, s két testvérével, Apja sok környékbeli ház építésében részt vett, többek között Lawrance Livermore házánál is, aki a Lookout Records alapítója.12 évesen beszállt Livermore zenakarába, a The Lookouts-ba. Röviddel miután Al Sobrante kiszállt a Green Day-ből beugrott a helyére, és máig is ő a dobos.
----------------------------------- Cikis történetek! Egyszer azt álmodtam hogy Billie megakart folytani!és kiütötte egy fogamat!Már ezért börtönbe kéne zárni! ----------------------------------- Börtön: Még nem volt büntetve!!!!!!!! (még nincs kész!!még folytatom a fórdítást! több infó addig is!arról az oldalról amelyik azt mondja hogy lopok nem sokára igérem!)
és angolul aól!
FULL NAME : Frank Edwin Wright III
AGE/BIRTHDATE : 33; born December 9, 1972
HOMETOWN : Willits, California, USA
HEIGHT : 5'6 (?)
MARTIAL STATUS : Married his long time girlfriend Lisea Lyons in March of 1995. They divorced sometime after. In May 2000, he married Claudia. In 2003, he and Claudia broke up.
CHILDREN : Ramona, born January 1995 to ex-wife, Lisea Lyons; Frankito ("Little Frank"), born 2001 to Claudia.
FAMILY : Tre grew up with his father and 2 siblings. He now lives in Oakland, California with his ex-wife, Claudia, and son, Frankito.
INSTRUMENTS : Drums, the accordion, and the guitar.
OTHER BANDS : Tre has also played with The Lookouts and Samiam.
Frank Edwin Wright III was born December 9, 1972 in Frankfurt, Germany, making him the youngest member of Green Day. He lived in the Mendocino mountains, California with his dad and his 2 older siblings. His dad, a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, decided the move the family there to insulate them upon his return to the United States. Tre's closest neighbor was none other than Lookout! Records owner Lawrence Livermore, who also owned the punk band the Lookouts. At age 12, Livermore recruited Tre to join The Lookouts, and that's when Livermore gave him the name of Tre Cool (which means Very Cool in French). After Green Day's first tour around the country (following the release of 39/Smooth), John Kriftmeyer decided to leave Green Day. Looking no farther than Gilman Street, Billie Joe and Mike recruited Tre, who was already a 5 year veteran of the Gilman Street scene.
Tre decided to drop out of high school his sophmore year. However, he did pass an equivalency test and earned his GED, and he even began taking classes at a nearby community college. He had to drop out of college however, when the demands of Green Day's touring intensified. Tre's father, who owns a small trucking company, overhauled a used bookmobile, and even served as the driver on three seperate tours. "I watched them go from a bunch of kids to a group of musicians with work eithic," says Tre's father, Frank Wright. "On their first tour or two, it was more of a party than anything else. I still scratch my head and say, 'How in the hell did they make it?' They used to practice in my living room here -- a lot of the songs they did on Dookie. You hear it coming together, and you don't expect people are going to go out and buy it. But when it does, you just say, 'Wow, that's so cool.'" (Rolling Stone, January 26, 1995)